Prepare Resources

chariot have the feature to prepare resources for NLP research. Specifically, data and pretrained vectors.

Download NLP dataset

chariot can collaborate with chazutsu that is NLP datasets downloader.

import chazutsu
from import Storage

storage = Storage.setup_data_dir(ROOT_DIR)
r = chazutsu.datasets.MovieReview.polarity().download(storage.data_path("raw"))
    polarity    review
0   0   synopsis : an aging master art thief , his sup...
1   0   plot : a separated , glamorous , hollywood cou...
2   0   a friend invites you to a movie . this film wo...

Download Pretrained Word Vector

chariot can load the pretrained word vector by collaborating with chakin.

storage = Storage("path/to/project/root")
vec_path = storage.chakin(name="GloVe.6B.200d")  # download word vector

vocab = Vocabulary.from_file("path/to/vocabulary")
embedding = vocab.make_embedding(storage.data_path("external/glove.6B.200d.txt"))